Saturday, February 9, 2008

Frigid Five

Well I did it (Rachel)! I ran the Frigid Five at Mitch Park. I beat my Turkey Trot time of 39:-- and came out with 36:41. I'm really excited about it! My goal is to beat that time again. Hopefully this coming month will bring this to light. Maybe 34:00 will be my next goal. Maybe 30:00! Who knows! I love the atmosphere of road races. It's so much fun to experience the adrenaline. Mingling with other crazy runners who are obsessed with PR's and the race day shirt. Speaking of which, the shirt from this race is awesome... Of course Dan dragged the kids along and supported me. I love him! At home Em put on some black gloves, her tennies, and pinned a 8x11.5 sheet of paper on which she had written a 100. She confidently told me that she was a runner! She ran around the house a for a minute and then she changed to something different. It was quite adorable!

Anyway this week has been pretty good. I finally got my hands on book three of Stephanie Meyer's series which starts with Twilight. I love the books! They are so much fun to read.

Dan is working hard on his studies and seems overwhelmed at times with all that he has to do. He is a hard worker so I know he'll be fine. It's inspiring to see him work so hard.

Em and Ashton are in good health. Em is loving school! She celebrated her 100th day of school this past Thursday. She made a big white hat and wore it around Wal-Mart until she grew self-conscious of ladies smiling and complimenting her on it. It was pretty cute! Ashton seems to be getting new teeth and is growing and incredibly active. He entertains himself really well and so that is nice!

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